Almena Method Touch Typing Software

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Improve your keyboarding skills with the help of one of these typing tutors. Five apps to make you a better typist. The software also tracks your progress and provides a number of.

Almena method touch typing software free

Keyboarding Research & Resources Where you can learn about, share, and discuss teaching keyboarding The Almena Method WRITTEN BY ZEITZ 50 COMMENTS (What would you say about learning the keys on the (What keyboard in an hour? The Almena Method claims that you can learn all of the key locations in an hour. It doesn’t claim that you will become an accomplished accomplis hed keyboarder in an hour, but but they have a reference system for you to use to figure out which fingers you need to use for each of the letters. The Almena Method (is quite different from the standard style of mastering the homerow and then moving throughout the rest of the keyboard learning the keys. Almena King developed a series of mnemonic jingles to assist in remembering the key locations. Once you learn these ingles, you can just recite them to yourself to remember where you’ll find the letters.

Almena Method Touch Typing Software

Notice the first jingle, Quiet Aunt Zelda, is for the three keys you hit with your left lef t pinky. Want Something eXtra is for your left ring finger.. And so on and so on and so on. The Almena method is available as a server-loaded program that will run through your school’s network. It is also available through the Web so that the students can run it at school and at home. Does it work?

We used it with a class of 4th graders and had reasonable outcomes. Not all of the students used the jingles.

When we interviewed the students, only about half about half of them said that they used the jingles to find the letters. I think that it had something to do with wit h their learning styles. The program is not limited to learning the jingles. The Almena Method also includes a number of lessons that the students use to practice keying the letters they have learned using the jingles.

It includes assessment tests as well to gauge student progress. Have you tried the Almena Method? How did it work? What did you find that made it useful?

Z CATEGORY: ON-LINE KEYBOARDING, SOFTWARE Comments on: 'The Almena Method' (50) marie apollon said: March 16, 2010 at 12:29 pm I would like to know more about almena method Dave Raven - colege said: May 22, 2012 at 2:42 pm Hi Marie, my name is Dave I have been working with Almena for more then 10 years. Let me tell you why Almena’s Method is different. First you learn the keyboard layout in the first lesson.

This is learned with mnemonics ie QAZ = Quiet Aunt Zelda and so forth. Once you learn which fingers type which keys you can type words and sentences. This is a huge advantage over all other methods! Because each time you use the keyboard you are practicing typing. Touch typing requires typing by touch and not having to look at your fingers. You can now watch what you type not where you fingers have to go. This allows you to concentrate on content and what you are writing, not what you finger are doing.