Audio Uroki Gruzinskogo Yazika

-dlya-scherbanya-arhivi-ne-goryat-audio.htm 2006-11-09T13:25:00Z Weekly. -poprosivshi-gritsenka-trimati-yazika-za-zubami.htm 2006-11-16T13:43:00Z.

Full text of ' Edited by Philip L. Kohl, Mara Kozelsky, and Nachman Ben-Yehuda ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE CONSTRUCTION, COMMEMORATION, AND CONSECRATION OF NATIONAL PASTS selective ranees Selective Remembrances Selective Remembrances Archaeology in the Construction, Commemoration, and Consecration of National Pasts EDITED BY PHILIP L. KOHL, MARA KOZELS KY, AND NACHMAN BEN-YEHUDA The University of Chicago Press Chicago and London PHILIP L. KOHL is professor of anthropology and the Kathryn W. Davis Professor of Slavic Studies at Wellesley College and the author of Central Asia: Paleolithic Beginnings to the Iron Age and The Making of Bronze Age Eurasia. MARA KOZELSKYis assistant professor of history at the University of South Alabama.

NACHMAN BEN-YEHUDA is professor of sociology at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the author of Deviance and Moral Boundaries: Witchcraft, the Occult, Science Fiction, Deviant Sciences and Scientists, published by the University of Chicago Press, and Sacrificing Truth: Archaeology and the Myth ofMasada. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637 The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London © 2007 by The University of Chicago All rights reserved. Published 2007 Printed in the United States of America 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 12 3 4 5 ISBN-13: 978-0-226-45058-2 (cloth) ISBN-13: 978-0-226-45059-9 (paper) ISBN-10: 0-226-45058-9 (cloth) ISBN-10: 0-226-45059-7 (paper) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Selective remembrances: archaeology in the construction, commemoration, and consecration of national pasts / edited by Philip L. Kohl, Mara Kozelsky, and Nachman Ben-Yehuda, p. Includes bibliographical references and index.

The frequency to use is written in the Airport information chart and can also be found by clicking on AI -> ATC Services in Range -> LEBL: in our case, it's 121.970 MHz. We open the Radio panel, set the COM1 frequency to 121.97 and listen to the ATIS message: • LEBL ATIS: This is El Prat information Alpha. Welcome to 2013! A lot of things happened in the ATC3 community. Many custom modified plane models were made by the community. Technobrain released 1.5 airports (RJAAN only counts as 0.5 since it's only the night scene) and 2 expansion packs. During the holidays, the website has been updated extensively and new plane models were added. Atc 3 airports in california. Language Pack English. The Language Pack allows you to play ALL airports in English. Simply extract the content of the archieve into your ATC3 folder. Note: There are still some minor parts that are not translated. This will be fixed in the future. Special thanks to MasterMinder for translating large parts.

ISBN-13: 978-0-226-45058-2 (cloth: alk. Paper) ISBN-10: 0-226-45058-9 (cloth: alk.

Paper) ISBN-13: 978-0-226-45059-9 (pbk: alk. Paper) ISBN-10: 0-226-45059-7 (pbk: alk. Archaeology- Political aspects — Case studies. Archaeology and state — Case studies.

Nationalism — Case studies. Historiography — Political aspects — Case studies. Memory — Political aspects — Case studies. Kohl, Philip L., 1946- II. Kozelsky, Mara. Ben-Yehuda, Nachman. CC135.S45 2008 930.1— dc497 © The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences — Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.

ZAAL KIKODZE This volume is dedicated to the memory ofZaal Kikodze. His entire life was devoted to the promotion ofintercultural under- standing and the resolution of ethnic and national conflicts. Zaliko distinguished justifiable national pride from xenophobic chauvinism.

He recognized our interdependence on one another and our participation in an intricately interconnected past and shared future. Contents Introduction Selective Remembrances: Archaeology in the Construction, Commemoration, and Consecration of National Pasts 1 PHILIP L. KOHL, MARA KOZELSKY, AND NACHMAN BEN-YEHUDA Part One: Russia and Eastern Europe 1 Russian Response Archaeology, Russian Nationalism, and the 'Arctic Homeland' 31 VICTOR A.


SHNIRELMAN 2 The Challenges of Church Archaeology in Post-Soviet Crimea 71 MARA KOZELSKY 3 The Writing of Caucasian Albania Facts and Falsifications 99 M U RTAZALI S. C AD] I EV 4 Archaeology and Nationalism in The History of the Romanians 127 CHEORCHE ALEXANDRU NICULESCU Part Two: The Near East 5 The Rise of the Hittite Sun A Deconstruction of Western Civilization from the Margin 163 WENDY S HAW 6 The Sense of Belonging The Politics of Archaeology in Modern Iraq 189 MAGNUS T.