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CompTIA CertMaster is an online learning tool that helps you prepare for your CompTIA certification exam with confidence. It's your intelligent trainer that leads. Certblaster CompTIA Network+ (2009 Edition) is a test preparation application.CertBlaster is dti's powerful and feature laden testing engine. CertBlaster provides you with a consistent, intuitive interface regardless of the particular product or topic.
CompTIA A+ Certification Exam Objectives Exam Number: 220-902 Introduction In order to receive CompTIA A+ certification a candidate must pass two exams. The first exam is the CompTIA A+ 220-902 Certification Exam.
The CompTIA A+ 220-902 Certification Exam is the second exam required in order for CompTIA A+ certification candidates to complete their certification. The CompTIA A+ 220-902 examination measures necessary competencies for an entry-level IT professional with the equivalent knowledge of at least 12 months of hands-on experience in the lab or field. Successful candidates will have the knowledge required to: Assemble components based on customer requirements Install, configure and maintain devices, PCs and software for end users Understand the basics of networking and security/forensics Properly and safely diagnose, resolve and document common hardware and software issues Apply troubleshooting skills Provide appropriate customer support Understand the basics of virtualization, desktop imaging, and deployment. CompTIA A+ is accredited by ANSI to show compliance with the ISO 17024 Standard and, as such, undergoes regular reviews and updates to the exam objectives.

The following CompTIA A+ 220-902 certification exam objectives result from subject matter expert workshops and industry-wide survey results regarding the skills and knowledge required of an entry-level IT professional. The percentages in this document represent the relative importance of the subject areas (domains) in the associated body of knowledge, and together establish the foundation of an entry-level IT professional. This examination blueprint includes domain weighting, test objectives, and example content.
Example topics and concepts are included to clarify the test objectives and should not be construed as a comprehensive listing of all the content of this examination. Candidates are encouraged to use this document to guide their studies.
The table below lists the domains measured by this examination and the extent to which they are represented. The CompTIA A+ 220-902 certification exam is based on these objectives. Domain 1.0 Windows Operating Systems 2.0 Other Operating Systems & Technologies 3.0 Security 4.0 Software Troubleshooting 5.0 Operational Procedures Total Percentage of Examination 29% 12% 22% 24% 13% 100% CompTIA A+ 220-902 Objectives version6 Copyright © 2015 by the Computing Technology Industry Association.
All rights reserved. The CompTIA A+ 220-902 Objectives are subject to change without notice. 1 of 26 CompTIA Authorized Materials Use Policy CompTIA Certifications, LLC is not affiliated with and does not authorize, endorse or condone utilizing any content provided by unauthorized third-party training sites, aka 'brain dumps'. Individuals who utilize such materials in preparation for any CompTIA examination will have their certifications revoked and be suspended from future testing in accordance with the CompTIA Candidate Agreement. In an effort to more clearly communicate CompTIA’s exam policies on use of unauthorized study materials, CompTIA directs all certification candidates to the CompTIA Certification Exam Policies webpage: Please review all CompTIA policies before beginning the study process for any CompTIA exam. Candidates will be required to abide by the CompTIA Candidate Agreement (at the time of exam delivery.
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If a candidate has a question as to whether study materials are considered unauthorized (aka brain dumps), he/she should perform a search using CertGuard's engine, found here: **Note: The lists of examples provided in bulleted format below each objective are not exhaustive lists. Other examples of technologies, processes or tasks pertaining to each objective may also be included on the exam although not listed or covered in this objectives document. CompTIA is constantly reviewing the content of our exams and updating test questions to be sure our exams are current and the security of the questions is protected.
When necessary, we will publish updated exams based on existing exam objectives. Please know that all related exam preparation materials will still be valid.
CompTIA A+ 220-902 Objectives version6 Copyright © 2015 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved. The CompTIA A+ 220-902 Objectives are subject to change without notice. 2 of 26 1.0 Windows Operating Systems 1.1 Compare and contrast various features and requirements of Microsoft Operating Systems (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1). Features: o 32-bit vs.