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More on World Objects Data Added 1: September 14, 2012 Vi3Dim have developed a new 3D capture system that could revolutionize the way in which 3D models of real- world objects are created. We have created a program able to build 3D models of textured objects in several minutes, using only a standard computer and webcam. This allows 3D modeling to become accessible to everybody. Vi3Dim allows anyone with a webcam to capture a real- world object as a 3D model with the textures already attached. You dona€™t need any skilled artists or modelers, just.
Size: 7.2 MB License: Shareware Keywords: - - - - - - - - - Data Added 1: May 30, 2013 the simple universe library aims to provide a simple (possibly game-oriented) virtual reality where real- world objects and surfaces (like terrain) can be defined and simulated. Uses OpenGL and ODE. GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Size: 2.1 MB License: Freeware Data Added 1: January 29, 2014 Augmented reality technology enables the enhancement of real world objects with digital information. Location-based Service help users to find nearby locations, including cafy Size: 25.8 MB License: Freeware Data Added 1: February 10, 2014 Letter Lab is the ideal application for children learning to write and recognize their ABCs.
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Intuitively trace both uppercase and lowercase letters with the touch of a finger. Hear and see English alphabet letters and real world objects that relate to them. Crafted specifically for Apples revolutionary new iPad, Letter Lab is as natural to use as it is beautiful. Each page of the Letter Lab notebook contains and uppercase and lowercase letter pair, a gorgeous illustration of an. Size: 7.3 MB License: Shareware Price: $0.99 Data Added 1: June 17, 2014 Scan real world objects into Minecraft blocks!
======= SUPPORTED DEVICES ======= - iPad 2, 3, 4, mini (iOS 6.0+) - iPhone 4S, 5 (iOS 6.0+) ======= NOT SUPPORTED ======= - iPhone 3GS, 4 & below - iPod Touch ======= HOW TO USE ======== THE MINECRAFT OBJECT IS SENT BY E-MAIL, USING THE DEFAULT MAIL APP. DETAILED TUTORIAL: 1.
PICK A GOOD OBJECT TO SCAN Simple shapes and pictures give the. Size: 23.9 MB License: Shareware Price: $1.99 Data Added 1: February 22, 2010 No more killing feeble aliens on the tiny 2' x 2' screen! In this game you must handle hostile creatures floating around you in the real world. How is this possible?

Imagine you have a device, like night vision goggles, that can detect out-of-this- world objects. And when playing Arcade Reality, your Treo is such device. How does it work? Game objects are overlaid on the live camera view (this technology is called Augmented Reality). When you turn around, your motion is.
Size: 804.0 KB License: Demo Price: $14.95 Keywords: - - - - - - - - - Data Added 1: July 30, 2013 SwgWorldBuilder is a project aiming to help creat new worlds for the SWGEmu. We have already figured out how to change the maps and add new world objects for the client to load we just need some programmers to help. GNU General Public License (GPL) Size: 0 License: Freeware Data Added 1: March 05, 2014 Shortcut is the shortest way from the real world to the online universe. It seamlessly combines image recognition and QR Code scanning in one app. Visit to create your own Shortcuts. IMAGE RECOGNITION AND QR CODE SCANNING Shortcut uses ultra-fast image-recognition technology.
It connects real- world objects such as magazines, newspapers, billboards, products and other Shortcut-enabled items with a cool online experience. Shortcut was first to seamlessly combine image. Size: 6.8 MB License: Freeware Data Added 1: April 02, 2011 Envisioneer Express is the easiest to use residential design program available. This program was designed specifically to introduce clients to the simple creation of floor plans, 3D models, and interior design concepts. Envisioneer uses real world objects such as walls, doors, windows and stairs. These objects make creative design fast and easy, and can achieve instant 3D images with a simple point and click approach. Envisioneer Express can also be used to display and review.
Size: 37.7 MB License: Freeware Keywords: - - - - - - - - - Data Added 1: September 28, 2012 How did you imagine your future profession when you were 10? In my case, I decided to be an astronaut. I was sitting under a table with a saucepan on my head. My space table moved in space protecting the Earth from invaders of all kind. I'd shoot the invaders with a deadly flash-light gun. We are not kids anymore. But, are you sure that all your daydreams have vanished completely?

Are you sure you wouldn't take a chance to look at the Earth from a space shuttle window? Let's make a test. Size: 16.1 MB License: Shareware Price: $19.95 Keywords: - - - - - Data Added 1: June 25, 2012 Envisioneer Express is the easiest to use residential design program available. This program was designed specifically to introduce clients to the simple creation of floor plans, 3D models, and interior design concepts. Envisioneer uses real world objects such as walls, doors, windows and stairs. These objects make creative design fast and easy, and can achieve instant 3D images with a simple point and click approach.