Programma Dlya Prosmotra Demok V Cs Go
Contents • • • • • • • • • Console commands Command Description record Starts recording a demo of the current gameplay under the specified filename. The demo will be saved as.dem in your game folder Steam SteamApps common team fortress 2 tf along with all its associated files stop Stops recording the current demo demoui or demoui2 Opens a small demo user interface which looks like a media player, but makes the opening and playing of demos much easier, including the capability to Fast Forward, Rewind and Skip to specific points in the demo. This can also be achieved by pressing Shift+F2 at any time. Playdemo Plays back a pre-recorded demo of name specified in stopdemo Stops playback of the currently playing demo listdemo Provides details of the specified demo file startmovie [avi/raw] Starts recording movie frames, stored in your game folder Steam SteamApps common team fortress 2 tf as.tga files. A recent feature to the PC version of the Source Engine is the ability to record directly to AVI by specifying avi as a parameter. When this parameter is used a windows codec dialogue box will be shown for you to select the codec so it is best to set TF2 to windowed mode before doing this.
Aug 5, 2013 - Don't warn me again for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Your preferences are configured to warn you when images may.
Example: Startmovie mymovie avi will record a mymovie.avi to your game folder NOTE THAT.AVI IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED. Attempts to record in.avi formats will issue a prompt telling the user to use h264 (Quicktime) instead.
Endmovie Stops recording movie frames. Demo_debug Shows additional demo debug info demo_fastforwardstartspeed Go this fast when starting to hold FF button. Demo_fastforwardramptime How many seconds it takes to get to full FF speed demo_fastforwardfinalspeed Final playback speed when holding the FF button demo_interpolateview Enables/disabled view interpolation between demo ticks demo_quitafterplayback Quits game after demo playback demo_recordcommands Record commands typed at console into.dem files demo_pause [seconds] Pauses demo playback, seconds optional demo_resume Resumes demo playback demo_togglepause Toggles demo pause/playback demo_gototick [relative] [pause] Skips to a tick in demo. If the relative parameter is '1' the tick is an offset to the current tick.
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If the pause parameter is '1', playback will be paused when tick is reached demo_timescale Set the demo playback speed as a factor, a scale of 1.0 is normal playback ds_record Start recording a demo manually (Note: This command is added in the ) ds_stop Stop recording a demo manually (Note: This command is added in the ) ds_mark Bookmark the current demo tick count for future reference. The is an optional descriptor you may include. (Note: This command is added in the ) ds_status Report the current recording status. (Note: This command is added in the ) Basic Demo Recording A demo recorded for Team Fortress 2 captures the following: • Gameplay from the perspective of the player recording the demo • All HUD elements including chat / console text messages • Audio received by the player through the voice chat system There are limitations to note when recording a demo: • The demo relies upon the user having a copy of the map file related to the demo. The demo does not save a copy of the map that was played. • The demo only records what was necessary to render audio and video for the player.

• The demo does not record the scoreboard at any time even if the player views it during recording. • The player cannot externally view his own character during play unless he taunts, he dies, though turning on sv_cheats during demo playback and using the thirdperson console command does work. • Objects such as other players, buildings and weapons fire will not be visible beyond a certain distance from the player's current position if he uses the Drive function in the Demo Playback window. The entire map is loaded but distant activity not in the player's line of sight may not be rendered at all times.
Sprays are rendered at all times if the local cached spray still exists. • The recorder does not capture the recording player's voice communication.