Shs Scrap File Windows 7

Hi AndyDenis, Office 2016 doesn't support to open the.shs file, but you can try to use WordPad to open them. Please follow the steps below to open scrap files: 1. Move the scrap file to your computer's desktop, if it is not already stored there. Type “WordPad” in the search box and click Enter, then click the WordPad app to open it.

Resize the WordPad application's window so a portion of your computer's desktop is showing. Recenziya na attestacionnuyu rabotu vracha obrazec. Click and drag the scrap file into WordPad. The file's text content will open in the WordPad application. Do not double-click the file--the file may launch in the application it originated from and open the file it is related to. View the scrap file's text content. If an icon appears in WordPad instead of the file's text content, right-click the icon and select 'Package Object/Edit Package' to view the scrap file's contents.

Regards, Rosen.

I am new at trying to convert to Open Office. Everything has been very smooth in terms of setup and running programs. Only one problem that I would appreciate any direction for. Microsoft provided a feature that let you drag selected sections of a word document directly to a file folder. It created a 'scrap file' with filetype shs. This drag and drop was a convenient way of taking copies of sections of documents that could later be dragged back into word for viewing. Sample is attached.

How to open scrap file

Jan 26, 2018  Open scrap files in Word I have Windows 10 and Office 365. I have some old scrap files (*.shs) that I wish to open. The Scrap(.shs) File have been removed from WindowsVista and later. ' But I have Windows 10 and do not have access to either Windows XP or Windows 7. So it doesn't help. A SHS -- or shell scrap object -- file contains fragments of a document that a user previously created. After a user drags data from Word or Excel to her desktop, Windows creates both a desktop shortcut. Windows Server 2008; Windows 7.

In addition to being able to drag and drop this file type, microsoft provided a Shell Scrap Object Handler that could be used to open the files. So now the question - is there any way that these shs files can be brought into the open office writer application. I could go to my old computer and drag the scrap files one-by-one into word, and then save the document and transport it to the new machine, however I have several hundred of these shs files, and if there is a better way, I would certainly like to know what it is. I have searched this site for 'scrap' and 'shs' but have had no hits. Many thanks for considering this.