Smart Card Reader Writer Software Download
USB Smart Card Programmer Low cost but very effective USB Smart Card Programmer and Reader for all types of Smartcards and mobile phone SIM cards. Not to be confused with lower cost limited units. Smart cards are used in satellite receivers, TVs, mobile phones and other applications and this unit is ideal for making backups.
The Smart Card programmer connects to the USB port on the PC and does not need a power supply. Security/Lock bits and other fuses on the AVR and PIC microcontrollers on the smart cards can be read and set. This Smart Card Programmer is simple to use and has multi-language software supplied as two versions - one with Hex Editor and one without. All logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Programmer or reader and writer for AVR and PIC based Smart Cards. Also EEPROM memory on Smart Card including PIC and AVR cards like Gold card, silver card and purple card, as used in satellite and TV cards and SIM card programmer Kanda supply our AVR programmer range, PIC programmer range, Universal programmers, AVR board, CANUSB and all our other products to electronic engineers worldwide.

We have happy customers for our AVR, PIC and Universal Programmer and other electronic tools in UK and Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and other European countries like Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain and Italy. Outside of Europe, Kanda is strong in USA, Canada, Brazil and other South American countries. We also supply our products further afield in Russia, Australia, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand and India. In fact, wherever you are in the world, you can rely on Kanda.

20% OFF Contactless Smart Card reader writer 13.56MHz Multi rfid reader writer. Download SkyCard - Free SmartCard Tool for free. Finally a usefull, free and opensource graphical tool to handle memory (synchronous) smartcards like Siemens SLE4428 and SLE4442 and T0-T1 asynchronous cards.
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