Spice Girls Dvd Torrent

Spice girls music videos

Note: Some parts of this video are mainly visualizations FULL CONCERT! WITH GERI HALLIWELL! Well, of course the Spice Girls needed a greatest-hits album. As a single CD, as a set including a DVD with all their videos -- which, frankly, is as tempting a.

This extraordinary collection is the work of independent curator and visual artist Liz West, who is the foremost collector of Spice Girls memorabilia and merchandise in the World with over 5,000 individual items devoted to the band and a Guinness World Record to mark her achievement. The vast array of objects and ephemera within this impressive collection outline the success and impact the Spice Girls had upon popular music in the 1990’s. As the first manufactured all-female chart group by music mogul Simon Fuller, the Spice Girls spawned the phrase Girl Power. Replicated through the group’s songs and also their image and merchandise, Girl Power brought a new generation of feminism. The collection includes over 80 designer and hand-made outfits, jewellery and shoes all of which were worn by the Spice Girls in music videos, live concerts, on screen and at high profile public engagements. Alongside these rare items, the collection showcases award discs from all over the world, unique endorsement items, sponsorship merchandise, official products and worldwide releases on vinyl, CD, cassette, VHS, DVD and other formats.

The Spice Girls performing on their reunion world tour in 2008 Studio albums 3 Compilation albums 1 Video albums 5 Music videos 18 Singles 11 English has released three, one, 11 and 18. Formed in 1994, the group was made up of singers ('Posh Spice'), ('Ginger Spice'), ('Baby Spice'), ('Scary Spice') and ('Sporty Spice'). The Spice Girls' debut single, ', was released by in the United Kingdom in July 1996. It went to number one in 31 countries worldwide and became the biggest-selling debut single of all time. In the UK it stayed at the top of the for seven weeks and went on to sell over six million copies worldwide. It also topped the in the United States for three weeks in February 1997.

Follow-up singles ' and ' also went to number one in the UK and reached the top five across most of Europe and in the US. The group's debut album,, was released in the UK in November 1996 and became another global success, selling two million copies in its first week and 10 million copies in the next seven months. Spice has sold 23 million copies worldwide and was ten times platinum by the (BPI) in the UK. The fourth Spice Girls single, the double A-side '/', also went to number one in the UK.

In November 1997 the group released their second album,, which has been certified five times platinum by the BPI. The album produced three number-one singles in the UK, ', ' and ', with ' peaking at number two, ending the group's run of consecutive number-one singles in the UK. In May 1998 Halliwell left the group to pursue a solo career. Contoh rancangan perniagaan.

Now a four-piece, the Spice Girls released their third album,, in November 2000; it peaked at number two in the and was certified platinum by the BPI. Forever also produced two more UK number-one singles, ' and the double A-side '/'. In December 2000, the girls decided to go on an indefinite hiatus and concentrate on solo projects and motherhood; all had solo UK top ten singles.