Torrent Dangerous Liaisons Film

Having been wronged by their former partners Marquise Isabelle de Mertueil (Glenn Close) and Vicomte Sebastian De Valmont (John Malkovich) hatch a plan to get even. Mertueil challenges Valmont to bed the soon to be married 17 year old Cecile de Volanges (Uma Thurman). Having determined that this challenge alone will be too easy for him, bed-hopping Valmont also sets about trying to seduce prim and proper Madame de Tourvel (Michelle Pfeiffer) whilst her husband is away.

His prize for completing these tasks is Mertueil herself, but is all this as easy as Mertueil and Valmont hope? Cruel Intentions was a loosely based remake of this film which came out 11 years later; I enjoyed Cruel Intentions the first time I watched it and have seen it several times since, but sadly I didn't enjoy Dangerous Liaisons quite as much.

I think the problem here is that I didn't find the story quite as involving; it was a bit talky for my liking and if truth be told it was probably a little over-plotted as well. In some ways, I was also a little turned off by the fact that it featured a bunch of rich aristocrats - I just found it all a little bit pretentious which is why I generally don't like period dramas.

Dangerous Liaisons just seemed to amble along without ever really involving me in the story. Cruel Intentions told pretty much the same story in just over 90 minutes and one has to wonder why the writers felt the need for this film to run close to the 2 hour mark? What is torrent crack. The truth is that there just isn't enough material here to warrant that kind of run time.

Feb 20, 2014 - Watch HD Movie Online Free. Up and joins in. Movie Trailer. By torrent: Dangerous Liaisons (2005) Download.


Another problem I had here was that I never really felt any connections to any of the characters; they weren't really fleshed out particularly well and at the end of the day I just felt like I'd spent 2 hours looking at cardboard cut-outs in pretty costumes. I also had a bit of an issue with Keanu Reeves character; he was the music teacher in this and aside from his wooden performance, he added nothing to the film and may as well not have been in it (compare that to how important the music teacher was to the plot in Cruel Intentions). Aside from an obviously miscast Keanu Reeves; the performances were all excellent with particular praise going to Malkovich, Close and Thurman.

Thurman was perhaps the biggest revelation and I felt that she accentuated vulnerability and was actually very good. The film doesn't even shine at the end and has a rather formulaic and obvious ending. To me the whole film just felt rather flat and un-exciting.

I found the ending to Cruel Intentions to be moving and somewhat surprising. Dangerous Liaisons has far too much polish on it for it to be a truly bad film, but it's also not involving enough for it to be considered a great film. I thought Cruel Intentions was a better film to be honest. For ages now, ever since I first saw it, I absolutely adore this film.

Torrent Dangerous Liaisons Film

I can watch this again and again, because it is so well directed, acted, shoot, designed and researched. I have watched it several times and yet I have not discovered any flaws in acting or directing. (The flaws usually start to show if you watch something several times)This is one of the films that gets better each time you watch it as you discover new layers in the story and characters.

John Malkovich and Glenn Close are absolutely brilliant as leading characters, the Machiavellian duo of 18th century aristocrats. Their acting is immaculate and powerful. Down to the very smallest nuances. This film contains lots of barely-there nuances on characters faces that speak volumes about their background story or true feelings.

The nuances on the face of Mrs Merteuil are simply wonderful: for a split second, when she knows nobody watches her she shows her true face; then puts on a most elaborate social mask at the next moment. I absolutely love that S. Frears has not chosen pretty faces for main characters.

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Some viewers have complained that Malkovich and Glose as principal master seducers aren't looking sexy enough themselves. I think this is a slightly primitive view of the matter. I love the fact that at the beginning they both come across as almost ugly and you think now really?

But as the film goes on both become more and more attractive and seductive. Which means sexuality and attractiveness does not come down to pretty face. It is the character, soul inside the body that makes it attractive or not. And Mmoiselle Mertuil and Valmont both have this attractiveness of sinful and evil. But one of the masterstrokes of this film is that we eventually see that they are not fully evil, that even they have the piece of soul that is sincere, suffers and longs for true love. We understand, bit-by-bit that something has happened both to Mertuil and Valmont that has lead them to these evil games and ridiculing true love. Even though true love is what they foremost long, they would never admit it.