Village Map Andhra Pradesh Capital Map
About Nallamilli Nallamilli is a Village in Rangampeta Mandal in East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Andhra region. It is located 26 KM towards west from District head quarters Kakinada. 6 KM from Rangampeta. 440 KM from State capital Hyderabad Nallamilli Pin code is 533344 and postal head office is G.Mamidada. M4p to mp3 converter crack free software. Singampalle ( 2 KM ), Doddigunta ( 4 KM ), G.donthamuru ( 4 KM ), Illapalle ( 5 KM ), Kapavaram ( 5 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Nallamilli. Nallamilli is surrounded by Biccavolu Mandal towards South, Anaparthy Mandal towards South, Pedapudi Mandal towards East, Rajanagaram Mandal towards west.
Peddapuram, Ramachandrapuram, Mandapeta, Samalkot are the near by Cities to Nallamilli. Nallamilli 2011 Census Details Nallamilli Local Language is Telugu. Nallamilli Village Total population is 2106 and number of houses are 561. Female Population is 49.7%.

Andhra Pradesh District Map. Hyderabad was the capital city of Andhra Pradesh, but with bifurcation of Telangana, the city will now serve as capital of the new state. Villages in India. Satellite and street maps of villages in Amaravathi Mandal of Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh, India, data provided by Google maps database.
Village literacy rate is 48.8% and the Female Literacy rate is 25.8%. Population Census Parameter Census Data Total Population 2106 Total No of Houses 561 Female Population% 49.7% ( 1047) Total Literacy rate% 48.8% ( 1027) Female Literacy rate 25.8% ( 543) Scheduled Tribes Population% 0.0% ( 0) Scheduled Caste Population% 22.5% ( 473) Working Population% 38.2% Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 241 Girl Child(0 -6) Population% by 2011 54.4% ( 131) Politics in Nallamilli TDP, YSRC, YSRCP, INC are the major political parties in this area. Polling Stations /Booths near Nallamilli 1)Chinaganipalli 2)Kondakamarla 3)Veera Obana Palli 4)Yarrapalli H/o Bandlapalli 5)Yarravankapalle H/o Vellamaddi HOW TO REACH Nallamilli By Road Peddapuram is the Nearest Town to Nallamilli. Peddapuram is 18 km from Nallamilli. Road connectivity is there from Peddapuram to Nallamilli. By Rail Balabhadrapuram Rail Way Station, Bikkavolu Rail Way Station are the very nearby railway stations to Nallamilli. Also you can consider railway Stations from Near By town Peddapuram.
Samalkot Junction Rail Way Station, Gudaparti Rail Way Station are the railway Stations near to Peddapuram. You can reach from Peddapuram to Nallamilli by road after. By Bus Vadisaleru APSRTC Bus Station, Rajanagram APSRTC Bus Station, Gandepalli APSRTC Bus Station are the nearby by Bus Stations to Nallamilli.APSRTC runs Number of busses from major cities to here. Colleges near Nallamilli Government Junior College.