Winselmann Sewing Machine Serial Numbers

Home Singer Sewing Machine Company DatingManufacturing Dates. Singer Manufacturing Dates and Average Cash Cost. PLEASE NOTE: Dates are when the serial numbers were allotted and NOT the actual date of manufacture. For example, serial numbers were last allotted for the 115 in 1935, but the last 115 machine made could easily have been in 1936. VESTA - B Sewing Machine is undoubtedly one the loveliest. Kohler and G.

MachineWinselmann Sewing Machine Serial Numbers

Careful now, those links are the starting point of the most fascinating obsession! I have nine vintage and one genuine antique-all sewing merrily along except the antique. The machines (Singers and one Jones) are easy finds at jumble and boot sales, charity shops, and all over the 'Net, but I have never seen a coffin top Winselmann in person. A number of pioneer women brought their machines to North America with them, yours must be one of those.

They are rarer of course to find in Canada and the US, most machines there (as here in the UK) are Singers and Jones. From the looks of the Winselmann in your photograph, it is in amazing condition! I would have to see the machine under the coffin top to be sure, but the parts that can be seen look 'mint', and that's usually the most neglected area of an antique or vintage sewing machine. So it's fairly safe to believe the machine is more than likely in equal condition-ready to sew on right now, that belt looks brand new! It's just gorgeous-hang off, wiping up more drool. If you own it, could you post a picture of the machine without the coffin top?

Perloff, Fourth Edition (2005). Modern Industrial Organization: International Edition. Written by two of the field's most respected researchers, Modern Industrial Organization. Carlton & Perloff. Modern Industrial Organization can easily be used for shorter courses. Carlton & Perloff ©2005. Modern Industrial Organization, 4th Edition. Modern Industrial Organization, 4th Edition. In-depth modern coverage provides a thorough background in microeconomic theory. 4th Edition Carlton & Perloff. Carlton d and perloff modern industrial organization fourth edition 2005.

You really might be able to sew with this lovely and gracious lady depending on the type of bobbin and needles it uses-a picture of the machine is how anyone would identify the machine, advise on value, and sew-ability as regards parts availability. If the parts are hard to find, it's an amazingly beautiful antique for display (I have an 1898 hand crank coffin top Singer Vibrating Shuttle 28 on display in my workroom, but I don't use it to sew because the bullet bobbins are a little more expensive and hard to find) Parts are usually easy to find for this age machine, it's the bobbins and needles that might prove harder to find.

The user manuals are usually easy to find as well-unless you've got one that is accompanied by it's manual and attachments-the 'mother lode' find in the antique and vintage sewing machine world surpassed only by the original sales receipt and other user historical artifacts like a drawer full of sewing notions and hand written notes:). October 25, 2012 I have an antique Kohler Winselmann sewing machine and would like to learn more about it. The whole machine is solid cast iron.

The machine base has hinges connecting it to the top part. The upper part can be tilted back; perhaps to be able to work on the internal mechanism. I have found one picture of the machine online, but I cannot find anything else. Most of the machines I see manufactured by them seem to be much more technologically advanced. I am very curious about when the machine was manufactured, and anything anyone can tell me. October 29, 2012 0 found this helpful There isn't a lot of info out there (especially in the US) on Kohler-Winselmann machines, but this site does have some info: Click around on the top navigation bar too, for the German rooms and for Kohler. I am a vintage and antique Singer user.

I've found a lot of fantastic information on mine at ISMACS and Treadleon-they have information on other brands of wonderful antique and vintage machines. Use the search features, and contact info-they do accept questions on machines: I've also found a lot of good information on this site: Be warned, lol, researching a vintage or antique sewing machine becomes an addiction very quickly! Try the search term: kohler-winselmann sewing machines uk Your machine was likely brought to the US by a pioneer family (it looks to be in the 1850s to 1870s manufacturing range era), or by a war bride of either of the two world wars.