Yalongoch Rus Kizlari

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Xosiyat: (Arabic) merit, special quality. ~i yo'q, of no help, for no good. Xosiyatli: special, good, lucky. Xosiyatsiz: adverse, unlucky; bad luck. U ~ odam He's a rotten man, He's bad news.

Xoslik: uniqueness, specialness. Xossa: (Arabic) peculiarity, uniqueness. Xosxona: residence (of government official). (Arabic) seal, stamp. Xotima: (Arabic) conclusion. ~ ber to end.

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~ yasa to bring to a conclusion. Xotin qizlar: women and girls.xotin xalaj coll.womenfolk. Xotin: woman; wife; no longer a virgin.

~ kishi woman. ~ oshi women's feast, part of marriage celebration only for women. ~ peshin time at which women formerly performed their afternoon prayers (app. ~ ahli womenfolk, women. ~ ma'no woman, women.

~ hammom women's bathhouse. Katta ~ older, mature woman; older wife (of 2 or more). Kichik ~ younger wife (of 2 or more). ~ ol to get married, to take a wife (of a man).

~ qo'y to get rid of one's wife. ~ning javobini ber to divorce one's wife. ~ jallob man who has married and divorced many times. Xotinak supurgi: short handled broom. Xotinboz: philanderer, womaniser, two timer.

Xotinbozlik: philandering, sleeping around. Xotincha 1: s. Xotincha 2: dim. Xotinchalish: effeminate.

Xotinchasiga: effeminately.xotinfurush arch.pimp, hustler. Xotinli: married. Xotinparast: man who worships his wife; womaniser.

Xotinsiz: unmarried. Xotinsizlik: bachelorhood.xotinyong'oq bot.a type of almond. Xotir: (Arabic) memory, mind; respect, deference. ~i jam at ease, not worried. ~ingiz jam bo'lsin Don't worry., Not to worry.

~dan, to mull over. ~ga ol to think about; to keep in mind. ~dan kech to pass through one's mind. ~ga kel to be recalled, to occur to. ~imga keldi I recalled. ~imga bir fikr keldi I just had an idea.

~da tut to remember, to keep in one's mind. ~da bo'l to be in mind. ~dan chiq /~dan chiqaz to forget. ~ni jam qil to put at ease. ~i uchun out of respect for, in deference to. Xotira: (Arabic) memory; remembrance. ~ daftari diary, notebook.

Mendan sizga ~ uchun This is for you to remember me. ~ taxtasi memorial board or display case. ~ga ol to recall. ~ kuni Day of Remembrance. Xotirjam: collected, contented, at ease. Xotirjamlan: v.i.

To be contented, to have one's mind at ease. Xotirjamlik: contentedness, tranquility. Xotirla: v.t. To recall, to remember. [xotirlan xotirlat xotirlash ] Xotirlat: v.t. Xotirlik: maluli ~, lazily. Xotirot: (Arabic) reminder(s), memory/memories; remembrance(s).

Xren bot.: (Russian) horseradish. Xrestomatiya: (Russian) chrestomathy.

Xristian: (Russian) Christian. Xristianlik: Christianity. Xrizantema bot. (Russian): chrysanthemum. Xrom: (Russian) chromium; chrome. To plate with chrome.

Xronik: (Russian) chronic. Xronika: (Russian) chronicle; news items (of newspaper); newsreel, chronicle film. Xronikachi: person who prepares the xronika section of a newspaper.

Xronikal: (Russian) adj. Xronologik: (Russian) chronological. Xronologiya: (Russian) chronology.

Yalongoch Rus Kizlari

Xronometr: (Russian) chronometer. Xronometraj: (Russian) time keeping. Xronometrajchi: time keeper. Xronometrik: (Russian) chronometric. Xrustal': (Russian) crystal. Xud: goh ~, goh bexud sometimes well, sometimes poorly, sometimes like this, sometimes like that.

Xud bexud: s. Xudbin: proud, self conceited. Xudbinlik: pride, conceit. Xuddi: exactly, just like; almost, nearly, all but. ~ yiqilib tushay dedim I nearly fell down. Avvali ~ God willing., Should God will. (+ga) ~ berdi May.

Be, lucky, successful. ~ bilsin God knows. ~(y) ko'rsatmasin God forbid. ~ ~(y) ko'tarsin!

God rid us of.! ~ rahmati God bless his/her soul. ~ urgan God damned.

Yalongoch Rus Kizlari

~ urdi It was the wrath of God (that our work went awry). ~ urdi ketdi As if that were really the case. ~ uriptimi Come on!, Be real! ~ haqi God's truth. Yo ol ~, yo ber ~ Come what may.

~ga soldim May God punish him. ~(y)ga topshir to leave in God's hands. ~ga shukur Thanks be to God.

Xudobexabar: who has no fear of God, impious. Xudobezor(i): vile, wicked. Xudogo'y: pious. Xudojo'(y): pious, devout. Xudojo'ylik: piety, devotion.

Xudoparast: religious. Xudosiz: Godless. Xudotars: arch. Xudovand: Lord, Master. Xudovando: xudoyo ~ Dear Lord God.

Xudoyi: alms or sacrifices made for the memory of the deceased or for deliverance from an affliction. Xudoyichi: s. Xudoyixo'r; destitute, penniless. Xudoyixo'r: one who makes a habit of living off of free food given away as xudoyi. Xudoyixona: arch. Soup kitchen. Xudoyo: Oh God.

Xudparast: conceitful, egotistical. Xufiya: (Arabic) secret, clandestine. Xufiyona:, clandestinely. Xufton: evening prayer(=~ namozi); evening. ~gacha (for) quite some time. ~ downhearted, melancholy.