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National Instruments presents LabVIEW, a graphical development environment to design electronic circuits especially focused on specialists from the electronic, scientific and engineering instrumentation field. Create the applications necessary to interact with the hardware. Create and deploy control and measurement systems. LabVIEW allows you to establish the communications necessary between all kinds of instruments and your PC: sensors, measurements systems, monitoring, etc. Develop customized application, automation applications or utilities to carry out all sorts of tests. Features • Graphical development environment specialized in electronic instrumentation tasks. • Design electronic circuit boards for all kinds of needs.
• Reduce the implementation cost of the systems thanks to its work formula. • View, analyze and share data.
• High compatibility. • Integrated specialized libraries for the field of software engineering.
Practical applications LabVIEW has been the tool used in many practical cases where its possibilities were required, for example, to measure temperatures and create reports in the food industry, to automate production lines for mobile phones, to control power transformers, to detect machinery errors. Increase your productivity when it comes to designing PCBs by downloading LabVIEW.
The first image of Kuiper Belt Object Ultima Thule in the encounter sequence by the New Horizons spacecraft reveals an elongated, two-lobed object shaped like a cosmic bowling pin, measuring approximately 20 by 10 miles in extent. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/SWRIA tense atmosphere hung over the auditorium at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab on New Year’s morning 2019, as several hundred scientists, engineers, media members, and guests waited for confirmation that their spacecraft was alive. And then, at 10:29 a.m. EST, Alan Stern and his enormous New Horizons team received word that the spacecraft signal had been reestablished after last night’s flyby, and that it was in good health. An enormous cheer rang throughout the room, with thunderous applause. The team still doesn’t know much about the flyby results, with the closest passage of about 2,200 miles (3,500 kilometers) coming at 12:33 a.m.
EST, almost exactly 10 hours earlier. Just half an hour before the spacecraft’s closest approach, the team celebrated along with astrophysicist and team member Brian May, guitarist of the superstar rock band Queen. Brian introduced his new song to honor New Horizons’ exploration, accompanied by cheers and glasses of champagne all over the facility. This graphic shows the presumed shape and spin axis of Ultima Thule based on the spacecraft’s early observations.
The model will no doubt be refined over the coming hours. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/SWRIThe moment of truth this morning seemed tense. And then an was teased by four key members of the team who held a news conference. They were Stern, leader of the mission, along with Alice Bowman (Mission Operations Manager), Hal Weaver (Project Manager), and Chris Hersman (Mission Systems Engineer). For some time the New Horizons team realized that Ultima Thule has an unusual shape — it’s elongated, and they don’t know whether it a single, monolithic, extended object, a “rubble pile” with loosely associated materials held together by gravity, or a binary lobed object like a bowling pin.
The last alternative seemed to be the way the image looks today. But much higher resolution images are already on their way to Earth, streaming through the solar system as the spacecraft continues to hurtle outward at about 36,000 miles per hour (nearly 60,000 km/h). The encounter with Ultima Thule took place at a distance of more than 4 billion miles (6.4 billion km) from Earth, and so the travel time for spacecraft data is more than 6 hours to reach us from the source. The New Horizons team also narrowed down the size of this primitive Kuiper Belt Object. They believe it is about 20 by 10 miles (32 by 16 km). Ultima Thule is tiny compared with the last target, Pluto, which is just shy of 1,500 miles (2,400 km) across. By contrast, Ultima Thule is about 20 miles (30 km) across.