Portable Zimbra Desktop Windows
I tried the new build (I ensure no previous Zimbra services are running from my locally built version) and it gives the Unauthorized Access error on my machine (running as Administrator). The locally built version made on the same machine runs fine (no conventional Zimbra install or any registry entires from it remaining in either case). I'll test both on another Windows PC this weekend. If there is anything useful I can do let me know.

I'm posting here instead of emailing so others can have a try too. [quote user='Annoyed']nxllpo: Thanks for your work! EDIT: Thanks VERY MUCH FOR YOUR WORK!:D My system is running a recent clean install of XP Corp (not a warez copy!) fully updated. Java is installed. It is on a Workgroup, not a domain. I'm running as Administrator for test purposes.
EDIT: I was able to make a working portable Zimbra using Thinapp per your advice. I prescanned my system, installed Zimbra normally, postscanned the system, and built per the (easy) Thinapp wizard. Deleted the Zimbra install and all registry keys (easily found when prescanning) to return system to clean state. Load time is slow due to my slow USB key, but that's not an issue.
Now all my Windows Zimbra installs will be Thinstalls, and when inevitable Winrot sets in I can happily revert to portable backup or rescue my current Zimbra by copying it off. Being able to download emails for offline work is nice, but being able to save the whole program make it far nicer.:D[/QUOTE] Just a suggestion you can set on windows domain a script that will download the zimbra portable edition to their home folders with instruction on how to configure their account. They can later copy it to their USB drives and use it and sync the usb with their home folders.
[quote user='MARKOVKA']Log in as guest, run binary file zdclient.exe and open my zimbra data. Is it possible? I can not do - many errors.[/QUOTE] If Your Administrator has used Client Policy with allowed windows applications than it is possible that you can't use it on you corporate network since Portable version of zimbra runs with 4 exe files and the files are Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop 1.0.exe witch calls 3 other files zdesktop.exe and zdclient.exe and java.exe you can try and to override this Policy setting by renaming the Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop 1.0.exe to a known windows application such as notepad.exe or winword.exe or explorer.exe.I don't think that the other two files will work after and if you rename those two.The reason that you are having errors is because one of the two files are not executed. Wizard of oz muny script pdf.
The usb drive must be larger then 512 MB since only the.DAT file has 200 mb after starting portable edition it creates a folderstructure like this. Nxllpo: Thanks for your work! EDIT: Thanks VERY MUCH FOR YOUR WORK!:D My system is running a recent clean install of XP Corp (not a warez copy!) fully updated. Java is installed. It is on a Workgroup, not a domain. I'm running as Administrator for test purposes. EDIT: I was able to make a working portable Zimbra using Thinapp per your advice.